Star Trek: Constellations

Westfall/Star Trek TNG Crossover Fanfiction #1

Scene 7

Geordi La Forge’s lowered brows were almost in line with the metal visor he wore over his eyes. His sepia skin tone was a stark contrast with Data’s pale hue beside him, but both wore the same yellow uniform shirt with the same number of rank pins on their collars.

Both were seated opposite each other within a shuttlecraft in one of the three shuttle bays on the Enterprise. The gull-wing doors were open wide as the two officers scanned various areas of the interior of the craft in order to determine the source of its malfunction. The various beeps and clanks echoed within the tall ceilings of the room as another officer passed through on the walkway on the second level.

“There’s nothing wrong in the power circuits,” Geordi mused, deactivating the probe he had been using to scan one of the now-exposed panels within the craft. “There’s nothing wrong in the navigation system, there’s nothing wrong in the communication system, nothing wrong with the engines...” he continued to list as he sat back in the seat. “If it’s failing the systems check, why won’t it just spit out what’s wrong?”

Data retracted his hand with the tricorder, and he instantly examined the readouts. “We can find that out, Geordi. Can you monitor the exterior of the shuttlepod while I override the systems check?”

“Yes, sir.” He climbed out of the shuttle. 

Data then closed the doors and opened his communication link. “I am overriding the systems check,” he input a code into the screen. “Powering on.”

The chief engineer stepped back as the shuttle whirred to life. “All right—everything looks good out here.”

“Activating engines.”

The shuttle’s engines kicked on, lifting the ship from the ground a few inches.

“Try laying in a course,” Geordi was making a slow pace around the outside of the shuttle.

“Course laid in—”

Data’s voice was immediately interrupted with a series of sirens.

“Data!” The man outside the shuttle froze.

At once, the ship lowered to the floor of the shuttle bay. A great hum filled the room as the power was cut.

Geordi was at the door of the shuttlecraft before the android had a chance to open it. “Data, what happened?” He ducked inside as soon as the rising door allowed.

Data calmly turned to Geordi. “Once the available oxygen within the cabin was depleted, the shuttle was unable to maintain proper life support.”

“So, it’s the life support system that’s got the problem,” the chief engineer’s mouth drooped upon the realization. “It’s a darn good thing I didn’t stay in here with you!”

“You would not have been harmed at such a short interval; however, attempting to take the shuttle off the ship would prove detrimental for a human pilot.” He turned back to the panel. “I will perform a thorough diagnostic on the life support system.”

Geordi sat up in the chair. “‘Cause until we get that online, this puppy’s not anywhere.”

The confusion pinched Data’s eyebrows. “‘Puppy’, commander? Are we still discussing the shuttlepod?”

Despite working closely with the android for years, Geordi still found his reactions to language humorous. “Yes, Data,” he grinned and stepped outside the open door. He opened a panel on the outside of the craft. “You know, I wonder if it’s the main ox—”

“It appears the main oxygen regulator is malfunctioning.”

He glanced into the shuttlecraft. “Yes,” he finished.

“Unfortunately, the Enterprise currently holds no replacements. We will need to acquire one when we reach Starbase 203.”

“I’ll get it on our list and note it in the logs,” Geordi walked over to a nearby panel. “Shuttlepod 09 is out of service,” he announced to the screen as Data closed the shuttle’s doors and joined him at the panel. “Thankfully, with those sirens, no one’s going to get very far if they try to use it, anyway.”

Data glanced up to find a Vulcan officer in the doorway of the shuttle bay. “Ensign Evoras,” he commented. “Are you not assigned to deck twelve at this time?”

The young officer straightened in her blue uniform. “I am,” she spoke. “I was just talking a walk during my break. I apologize for the interruption.”

The Vulcan’s emotionless words were all that were left as she turned and exited the room.

Geordi and Data glanced at each other in puzzlement.

Ensign Evoras turned down a hallway and toward the turbolift.

As another engineer stepped off of the turbolift, he passed Chief O’Brien.

Commercial Break


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Scene Notes

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