Star Trek: Constellations

Westfall/Star Trek TNG Crossover Fanfiction #1

Scene 1

Her green eyes were slits behind her thin-rimmed glasses. The shallow light overhead cast the shadow of her brow over her face, further obscuring them from view. Their focus, however, was sharp as they tracked the lumbering bipedal creature before her.

It snorted through its short nose as its stocky legs hobbled along. Its lower canines protruded beyond its upper lip, its long arms waved side to side with each step, and its gray skin was leathery beneath simple cloth covering. In its clawed hand, however, it gripped a long, bladed spear.

With the smallest of movements, she lifted her right foot and took a wide step forward. Her arched form balanced within this stance with her arms held out to help steady herself. Her yellow-and-black uniform blended into the brush that surrounded her. Her right hand gripped a small, gray device within her thumb and forefinger.

A rustling in the trees nearby startled the creature alert. 

The woman’s eyes widened, watching her enemy’s face turn away.

She thrust her hand into the clearing and fired her phaser.

The creature shrieked, threw back its head and arms, and fell forward with a flop.

The rustling continued, and with her cover otherwise blown, she ran into the clearing with her arms raised in defense.

A dark haired man with pale-white skin and a similar yellow-and-black uniform straightened his posture to be seen above the underbrush. His movements were calculated and deliberate, and his currently expressionless yellow eyes refocused on the woman before him.

A lightness came to his face. “Gemini,” he began, only for his form to twist when a new sound reached their ears.

Both of their faces fell when the rapidly approaching stampede came into view from the field before them.

Gemini darted away with her phaser flaring, striking two creatures in quick succession, but she had to fall back as a third broke past when its armor protected it from her blasts. The man behind her reached out and caught its armored forearm in his hand. With a seemingly effortless flick, the creature was tossed aside with only a yelp left behind.

Gemini grappled with another with it until she had it on its knees in submission. She readied her phaser, but another creature leapt at her, knocking her off balance—and the phaser from her hand. 

She rolled with the newcomer until she had it pinned. She grabbed a knife from its belt and jabbed the blade into a break in its armor. She flipped the knife into a reverse grip and jabbed it backward, catching the second creature in the side. It crumpled to the ground as a gurgle escaped its lips.

She heard the noise level increase behind her and stood up to find the yellow-suited man surrounded. She gnashed her teeth and glanced at the solitary knife in her hand.

She threw it to the ground.

“Data, don’t move!!” Gemini yelled before thrusting her hand forward.

White light pulsed through the veins of her hands, collected in her fingertips, and burst into flame. At once, fire leapt through the air and coated Data and the armored creatures in one blast. Shouts rang out as the fire licked across the creatures’ bodies, and they flailed in pain until they each succumbed to the flames.

Data did not move as the enemies fell around him, and as the final collapsed at his feet, he eyed it inquisitively before returning his attention to Gemini. Not even his uniform had been singed.

“Gemini: how did you know I would not be burned?” He asked, his face twisting in confusion as his head tilted to one side.

The woman raked her fingers through the strands of white hair that covered the crown of her head. They continued through the brown strands that curled beyond her ears, falling in waves around her shoulders. “I couldn’t burn you if I tried,” she offered with a smirk as the stepped up to him.

Data’s head tilted the opposite way. “Because I am an android?”

“Because it’s impossible for an Aravasti to harm someone they care about,” she concluded.

The android watched her step up to him—by stepping onto one of the fallen opponents. A pleased expression lit his face. “I see.” He observed quietly.

Gemini tossed her head over her shoulder. “Computer: end program.”

With a decreasing whir, the forested setting faded around them, along with the fallen armored creatures. The two starship officers now found themselves standing in a hollow black room with a door a few meters in front of them. They nodded to each other before making their way to the exit.

Both stopped short as the door slid open. 

A dark-skinned Klingon towered over them. The ridges of his tall forehead accented his sharp eyebrows; and his goatee, his disgruntled frown. His broad arms were crossed against his yellow uniform and metal baldric.

“You cheated.” He growled.

Gemini rolled her eyes. “I did not cheat.”

“You were supposed to use only what was available on the holodeck.” His voice grew louder, though his expression and posture remained unchanged.

The Aravasti raised her glowing fingertips. “My power was available on the holodeck!”

Data was quick to grab one of her arms. “Careful; you do not wish to set off the fire suppression system again.”

Her smirk dimmed along with the light in her fingers. “No, I definitely don’t want to do that.” She sighed and crossed her arms against her chest instead. “Come on, Worf; I just don’t get very many opportunities to use my power like that! It felt good to get it all flowing again.” She dramatically rolled her arms and wrists, as if loosening stiffened muscles and joints.

“It was a sort of last resort,” Data added with a shrug.

Worf raised an eyebrow and inhaled. “I suppose I will allow it,” he yielded. “But next time—”

“I promise I won’t use it next time,” she nudged his arm despite him not moving an inch.

Worf nodded and at last stood down, relegating his arms to behind his back as Gemini and Data exited the holodeck. “By the way,” he continued, “I was not aware Data was fireproof.”

Data and Gemini eyed each other, and just as Data opened his mouth to speak, a chirp sounded from the insignia on his chest.

“Riker to Data: we need you and your crew to the bridge immediately. We’re intercepting a distress signal.”

The three officers took pause as the commander’s words sunk in.

Data then tapped the badge on his uniform. “Acknowledged. We are on our way.”


Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before!

Scene 1 - Scene 2 >>

Scene Notes

  • I tried to format this similar to an episode of Star Trek: TNG. I'm not sure if the run time would be correct, but I did add 2 "commercial breaks" you'll discover as you read!
  • I've always wanted to "pair up" Data and Gemini, but ever since Hudson came along in Westfall, I can't see her with anyone else. But she and Data sharing a close friendship (as much as an android can allow anyway) ended up working out better anyway.