Star Trek: Constellations

Westfall/Star Trek TNG Crossover Fanfiction #1

Scene 6

Gemini stood almost proudly as the tall mechanic from Westfall planted himself in front of one of the great windows within Ten Forward. Before him, a wide expanse of stars zipped past at varying speeds as the spiral ring of a distant galaxy curled around them. Behind him, the lounge was scantily populated with a handful of patrons, most of which were around the bar. Gentle conversation, the clinking of glasses, and the faint glow of table lights filled in the rest of the scene.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it,” she said as she stepped closer to Hudson. The stars were reflected in her glasses.

His eyes were wide, his mouth agape, and his breathing was almost imperceptible. “It’s... incredible.” He barely mouthed the words. “I could never imagine somethin’ like this...”

She set her hands on her hips as her own eyes gazed out the window. “There was a time I would spend hours here.”

“I can vouch for that.”

Gemini turned around to find a woman in a flowing, bronze-colored gown and with a wide, circular hat resting atop a bundle of tight braids. Her smile was warm upon her face. “I still catch you sneaking a look from time to time.”

“You can’t beat this view,” The Aravasti gestured over her shoulder as Hudson finally managed to pull his eyes away to acknowledge the newcomer. “Hudson, this is Guinan; she manages Ten Forward.” She nodded to the man at her side. “This is Hudson Rowlett.”

“It’s good to meet you,” Guinan offered a short bow. “Are you one of the new residents here?”

“Well, temporary,” he shrugged, only for his eyes to be pulled back to the window. “Gosh; I don’t know how you can get any work done with a view like this!”

Guinan’s smile continued to beam. “Oh, I regret that I’ve grown used to it; though, seeing your reaction reminds me how wondrous is truly is.” Her dark eyes slid to Gemini. “In fact, the last time I was reminded was when this young lady first showed up.”

Hudson’s attention was regained as Gemini smirked at Guinan.

“She, too, was a wide-eyed gawker of the stars; she had never seen ‘em like this before.”

“Did your home planet not have spaceships either?” Hudson inquired of the Aravasti.

Gemini removed her hands from her sides to curl them across her chest. “Believe it or not, Aravast was once an Earth settlement, just like Braecia. But when the planet’s makeup began to affect our people, granting them the power to control the elements, our leaders decided we were better off as our own race, and they cut all ties with Earth—and everyone else.”

“They cut ties on purpose?” Hudson seemed shocked, only to numb somewhat. “Wait—power?”

Gemini cocked an eyebrow as she chewed her lip. “I have the power to create and control fire.”

“Wow... How?”

“Data once explained how chemicals unique to our planet and radiation from its nearby star altered our ancestors’ DNA; but as far as the Aravasti are concerned, we’re simply born with this power. When we’re around ten years old, our power awakens, and we receive our signature white streak,” she touched the white strands of hair that crowned her dark-brown locks, and then brought her fingers before her eyes. A glint of white light beneath her skin grew on her fingertips. “I’d show you, but much more than a candle’s worth of flame sets off the ship’s fire suppression system.”

“We discovered that the hard way,” Guinan said cheekily.

The man, however, had returned to his former state of awe—this time, directed at Gemini.

Gemini wilted bashfully, turning aside with her shoulders. “Maybe I can show you on the holodeck, sometime. I can use it more freely there.”

“That would... oh,” he, also turned away somewhat embarrassedly. “I don’t mean to keep takin’ up your time. I know you’ve got things to do.” He drew his eyes up, smirking lightly. “Sure don’t need to be babysittin’ me.”

The woman found a laugh. “Well, you’ll be glad to know that looking after you and the others from Westfall is part of my job until we make it to Starbase 203—so I can spend all the time I need.”

“Oh yeah?” Hudson’s grin widened.

Before she knew it, Gemini’s face had flushed pink—and so had Hudson’s. They both averted their gazes and wrung together their hands.

“I should pro’lly get back to my room,” Hudson said after a moment. “It’s gettin’ late ‘n all.”

“Yeah. It’s been a long day for us both.” Gemini nodded.

Guinan took this as her cue. “Well, it was lovely meeting you, Hudson, and you are welcome to come gawk at the stars whenever you’d like.” 

“Thank you, ma’am; I sure will,” he smiled as the woman turned back to the bar.

“Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything,” Gemini finally recovered with a light touch of Hudson’s arm. “But I’ll be seeing you around.”

“Good—I mean, yeah—that’s good. Thanks, Ms. Gemini.”

As the two awkwardly turned from the window and started to the door, Guinan glanced up from the line of multicolored drinks she was mixing. She returned to her work with a wide smirk.

<< Scene 5 - Scene 7 >>

Scene Notes

  • Oh--what? Are we starting the crushing already? 😆