Star Trek: Constellations

Westfall/Star Trek TNG Crossover Fanfiction #1

Scene 17

What started as a small gathering in Ten Forward with Data, and Geordi La Forge, Gemini Inova, Hudson Rowlett had slowly morphed into a group so large, it had taken up more than one table. In fact, those standing around to hear the story of the Enterprise’s shape-shifter had more than doubled since the tale had begun.

With it being an off-hour, most of the bridge crew was present. This included Commander Riker and Counselor Troi, but even Dr. Beverly Crusher had scooted in alongside Lieutenant Worf. Chief O’Brien and his wife Keiko had also joined the group, along with other Ensigns and crewmembers, and the mass of people had prompted Guinan to slip in out of curiosity.

“So, all those unexplained incidents, all the people in places they shouldn’t have been,” Geordi’s teeth were visible as his lips tugged apart with a scowl, “they were all that Roshak guy?”

“Every one of them.” Gemini cocked an eyebrow as lifted her glass of iced coffee to her lips.

“And they were all to scout out ways to take you out? That’s messed up!”

“Indeed.” Worf grumbled into his glass of prune juice.

“The Roshak are not known for taking their duties lightly.” Data, the self-proclaimed storyteller, continued with his hands clasped on the table in front of him. “They will do whatever is necessary to carry out their mission of taking down their target while ensuring the situation appeared to be accidental.”

“That would explain how long he stayed aboard looking for opportunities,” Beverly interjected, setting her hand on Gemini’s shoulder. “I’m glad you had your wits about you.”

Deanna, however, shook her head. “To think this whole time we had the signs; we just weren’t recognizing them.”

“I do not blame you for your lack of correlation; it took me a significant amount of processing to come to my own conclusion.” Data attempted to convince the counsellor.

Miles O’Brien leaned in toward the android. “Which would have taken you, say, three seconds instead of two?”

The table broke into laughter as Data remained silently puzzled.

“I’m just glad I have the support of all you,” Gemini reigned them back in with a grateful smile. “Without each of your strengths and skills, I honestly may not be here right now.”

“That’s why each one of us is a part of this crew,” Will said confidently as he spread open his hands. “Every one of us is here to support each other.” The commander paused, his blue eyes landing on Hudson. “And that includes new members, too.”

Gemini glanced up to the man at her side. Hudson’s turquoise shirt and gray vest now donned a Starfleet communicator badge of his own.

“Speaking of,” Geordi grinned beneath his visor, “tomorrow is Mr. Rowlett’s first shift in engineering.”

The former resident of Westfall was beaming. “I’m sure lookin’ forward to it.” He paused, paling as he popped upright. “Uh—sir! I’m lookin’ forward to it, sir!”

The group again chuckled as Gemini nudged him with a smile.

“You’re good, Hudson. We’re off-duty.” Geordi reassured him.

With that, the group began to disperse little by little, discussing different moments amongst themselves as they retreated to their quarters or to other tables throughout the room. Soon, only Data, Geordi, Hudson, and Gemini remained at their four-person table.

“Well,” Geordi leaned back in the chair and stretched out his arms, “After all that, I think you two deserve a peaceful evening together. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

“See you, Geordi.” Gemini smiled before cozying up to Hudson.

Geordi turned back before he had taken more than two steps, noticing Data sitting idly at the table. He cleared his throat, visor pointed in the android’s direction.

Data did not turn his head until Geordi had grunted a second time. “Do you require something for your throat, Geordi?”

“No, just... come on,” he said under his breath, rolling his head in the direction of the door.

Data tilted his head. “I do not underst—”

“Let’s give the happy couple a peaceful evening together, shall we?” He stressed, grasping Data’s shoulders.

With her friends’ actions no longer discreet, Gemini broke into a laugh, though she attempted to cover it with her hand. Beside her, Hudson’s rosy grin redirected to the table.

“Oh! Good night, Gemini; good night, Hudson.” Data spoke while being pulled away.

“Good night, Data!” Hudson waved back.

Gemini shook her head, a toothy grin on her face. “They’re ridiculous.”

“They’re good friends,” he turned to her, “and I’m glad to have ‘em.” His grin tugged coyly. “I’m real glad to have you, too,” he added.

She shut her eyes as he bent down and kissed her cheek.

Their thoughts blended in with the sounds of gentle conversations and glasses clinking within the lounge. So much had happened, a whirlwind of feelings had been felt, and now that they were alone, they almost didn’t know what to do with themselves.

The starlight from the large windows beside them reflected in Gemini’s glasses as Hudson’s eyes fell upon her. Gemini’s eyes, however, had slid over her boyfriend’s shoulder.

Guinan was standing near the windows, looking out through the stars into a distant nebula.

The couple glanced at each other and then got up from the table.

“Takin’ in the beauty?” Hudson asked as they joined her.

Guinan hummed, a broad smile on her lips. “I am. Recent events have me looking at it all in a bit of a different way.”

“Oh yeah?” Gemini looped her arms around Hudson’s.

“A few weeks ago, the two of you were standing here with a very different relationship to one another.”

The Aravasti smiled at her.

“And, it’s reminded me how quickly things can change; how we can be living our mundane lives and, all of a sudden, we get a chance to make something bigger happen.” The stars reflected in the woman’s dark eyes. “Changes may not always feel good, and sometimes we’re forced into them, but if we can grow beyond the difficulties, who knows what wonders can be available for us?”

Hudson and Gemini were focused intently on Ten Forward’s bartender.

“But that’s just my two cents.” She turned back to them.

“I think that’s beautiful,” Hudson admitted.

Guinan held out a hand toward the windows. “Perhaps not as beautiful as this view—or this one, huh?” She gestured to Gemini while she cocked an eyebrow at Hudson. She then grinned wide as both laughed and wilted with embarrassment. “But I appreciate the reminder once again. It’s easy to forget how wondrous life truly is.”

With that, the wise woman bowed out and left Hudson and Gemini standing at the windows alone.

Gemini slipped her arms over Hudson’s shoulders and gazed into his dark eyes.

Hudson’s hands grasped her waist and pulled her closer.

Against the glow of the stars and the swirls of a distant nebula, their silhouetted figures blended into one as they shared a passionate kiss among the stars.

<< Scene 16 - Scene 17

Scene Notes

  • Hudson is now considered a Petty Officer in Engineering, under the guidance and authority of Geordi. They're going to be a great team.
  • I hope you enjoyed this fun little jaunt through space! Keep an eye out for the "real" Westfall story before long. Thank you for reading!