Star Trek: Constellations

Westfall/Star Trek TNG Crossover Fanfiction #1

Scene 10

Lieutenant Worf’s brows were bent more than usual. His eyes blinked and narrowed, and his mouth stretched and puckered as he determined his next words. “Ms. Inova,” he growled under his breath.

Gemini jumped and straightened up from the panel upon which she had been leaning. Her eyes refocused on her commanding officer, face paling as his tall form loomed over her. She could tell he was more concerned than angry, but that didn’t prevent her from feeling guilty for—once again—not paying attention to her duties on the bridge.

“I’m sorry, Lieutenant,” she whispered, falling into a more relaxed stance with her hands behind her back. Her eyes drooped to the tactical panel in front of her, but it was only a matter of time before they again found their focus far beyond the screen.

The Klingon exhaled through his nose and turned back to look out the view screen. Moments later, a beeping pattern began to emanate from the station at his hands. He looked down under furrowed brows. “Captain, sensors are detecting an unidentified vessel approaching off the starboard bow.”

Captain Picard and Commander Riker had also recognized the sound, turning back as Worf spoke.

“How quickly? Is it manned?” Will leaned on one of the armrests of his chair.

“It is approaching at warp speed,” Worf commented before shooting a glance to Gemini. “I could use your assistance, Lieutenant!”

Gemini again twitched as she returned to the moment. “Ah—long-range scanners indicate...” She was unable to continue as she frantically tapped her fingers across her station.

From his place at the helm, Data turned his head toward her in puzzlement. Even Jean-Luc had raised his chin to look over the wooden bannister of the tactical station.

The Aravasti gave a harried glance up before returning to the screen. “It appears unmanned; no life readings, and nothing organic aboard.”

“The ship is now on an intercept course.” Worf glanced up.

“Are we sure it’s unmanned?” Will turned toward Jean-Luc and Deanna, but the latter was gazing at Gemini in careful regard.

“Yellow alert.” Jean-Luc announced as he stood up from his chair, and yellow panels lit up across the bridge. “Slow to impulse. Mr. Worf, probe the vessel.”

“Aye, sir.”

“Ms. Inova, open hailing frequencies.” When the woman didn’t immediately respond, Captain Picard turned on his heels to face her. “Ms. Inova!”

Gemini’s screen buzzed as she input the command incorrectly. She shook her head and huffed in annoyance, trying again. “Yes—aye, sir—hailing frequencies open.” 

Jean-Luc frowned and stepped forward. “Unknown vessel, this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise. Please respond.”

In the silence that followed, Data again glanced over his shoulder at Gemini. He found her hunched over with her hands firmly planted upon her station as she refrained from making eye contact. His head tilted as his expression appeared to shift to worry.

“There is no response, sir.” Gemini spoke after a moment, still keeping her eyes away.

Worf’s eyes scanned his panel. “The probe has confirmed there are no life forms or organic material aboard the vessel. It is an unclassified ship of unknown origin, but it is heavily armed.”

“Ensign Vasquez, change course, heading 322-mark-012. Maybe we can simply move out of its way.”

“Aye sir.”

Worf, however, was unable to hide a scowl. “The vessel’s course has changed to match ours, and it is now within visual range.”

“On screen.” The captain ordered.

The object in question was little more than a disc-shaped pod in the vast expanse of space around them.

“What in the world is this thing?” The first officer scowled as he, too, got up from his chair. “Why is it coming after us?”

Data glanced up. “The vessel is currently running on automated programming only. It appears our proximity has activated a sort of defense mechanism.”

“Then, what is it trying to defend?” Will squinted at the viewscreen.

“Mr. Data, do you think you could—”

Gemini broke from another daydream as her panel began to flash. “The ship is locking phasers!” She bleated suddenly.

“Energy build up in phaser banks—weapons are activating!” Worf’s words grew sharp.

“Red Alert—raise shields!” Will announced, and immediately the panels across the ship began to flash red as a siren rang through the bridge

“The vessel is firing!” Worf blurted.

“Shields, Ms. Inova!!” Will shouted.

“Shields are—”

The vessel’s twin phaser beams struck the Enterprise, rattling the ship and jostling the crew. Gemini lost balance and collided with Worf. The others were shaken, but unharmed as they staggered back into place.

“Damage report!” The captain was still holding onto Data’s panel to steady himself.

Worf still had his arm out from assisting Gemini back to her station. “Forward shields down to ninety-three percent. Aft shields holding.”

When Gemini looked up from her panel, she locked eyes with William Riker. While there was a great deal of relief in his eyes, there was a clear undercurrent of disappointment. She squinted and turned away.

The captain’s eyes grew focused as he surveyed the vessel before them. “Mr. Data, can you override this defense mechanism?”

Data’s fingers pattered away for a moment. “No, sir; I am unable to control it remotely.”

The captain nodded. “Ms. Inova: scan the ship’s cargo.” He ordered as he started back to his chair.

“Aye, sir,” she ducked down.

Will also returned to his seat beside the captain. “It must be something important to warrant such powerful attacks on anything within its range.”

“Or it’s a very dangerous prize, for someone able to outsmart it.” Jean-Luc rubbed his chin in thought, and then he used the same hand to tap his communicator badge. “Transporter Room Three, can you get a lock on the vessel?”

“Aye, sir, I’ve got a lock.” Chief O’Brien’s voice replied.

“Captain, the vessel is powering phasers again,” Worf straightened up. “I suggest firing upon their weapons system immediately!”

“Hold, Mr. Worf.” Jean-Luc remained calm. “I don’t want to risk an explosion until we know what’s—”

The ship was hit with a second blast, again tossing the crew across the bridge. 

Worf gripped the edges of his station with increased intensity. “Forward shields down sixty percent! Aft down to eighty-three!”

“Increase power to shields.” Jean-Luc ordered.

“What is on that ship, Lieutenant Inova?” Will was clearly losing his patience as he stood up in front of her.

“Scanners indicate high amounts of hytritium on board—nothing else, sir,” Gemini’s voice was no longer as firm as it had been.

Will blinked. “Hytritium,” he repeated.

The Captain’s eyes grew focused as he surveyed the vessel before them. “Mr. Data: is there a pattern to the ship’s blasts?”

“Yes, sir. The ship has fired in sixty-one second intervals. There are currently twenty-three seconds before the next blast.”

“Bridge to Transporter Room Three: lock onto the vessel’s cargo and prepare to beam it directly to cargo bay two.”

“Ready, Captain,” Chief O’Brien replied, “but we’ll need shields lowered before we can transport.”

“Mr. Worf, power up photon torpedoes. Ms. Inova, lower shields.”

“Torpedoes arming,” Worf eyed Gemini carefully.

“Shields lowered,” Gemini affirmed, her eyes focused intently on the captain.

“Now, Mr. O’Brien!” He called.

There was a moment of silence as the white-hot light from the vessel glimmered from its phaser banks. Most of the bridge crew were holding their breath.

“Nine containers successfully beamed aboard.” 

Jean-Luc Picard’s eyes pierced through the viewscreen. “Shields up! Fire torpedoes!”

Two flickering blasts were shot from the Enterprise and struck the vessel seconds before it could fire its phasers. The vessel exploded, rocking the Enterprise one last time before the bridge was resettled to silence.

The captain exhaled slowly. “Stand down.”

The red alert was cancelled, and the bridge crew shared a collective sigh of relief.

All except Gemini Inova.

Still trembling, the Aravasti lieutenant straightened as best as she could with her arms tight at her sides. “Lieutenant Worf: permission to leave the bridge.”

Once more, all eyes were redirected to her, but Gemini was focused only on her commanding officer.

Worf seemed surprised, but he squashed it into his usually dulled expression. “Permission granted.” He spoke softly.

With that, the security officer left her post and entered the turbolift without another word or glance behind.

Data turned completely in his chair, first looking to Worf as the Klingon returned to monitoring his panel. When his eyes reached Deanna, he found her with a similarly concerned expression. She gave him a knowing nod and dismissed herself to follow.

Commercial Break


<< Scene 9 - Scene 11 >>

Scene Notes

  • Captain Picard's ability to outsmart basically anything is one of my favorite aspects of his character; I hope I gave his prowess proper justice.
  • Meanwhile, Gemini......