Star Trek: Constellations

Westfall/Star Trek TNG Crossover Fanfiction #1

Scene 16

In a small, modestly furnished receiving room on Starbase 203, the mayor of Westfall stood at the head of his fifteen-member group. From the elder Jack Gandy to the young Riley Thatcher, the Westfall refugees were once again filled with hope, yet sadness.

The hope came from knowing they would be returned to Earth to resettle and live among the people they were separated from so long ago.

But sadness came from one of their members departing from them.

Hudson Rowlett stood across from Thomas and the rest of the group, rocking on his feet as if to ward off his own sentimentality from leaving his people. However, with a comforting hand on his back from Gemini Inova, he was able to steady his nervous movements and focus on Thomas’ eyes.

“Y’all be sure and send messages whenever you can,” Hudson began. “And I will too. I wanna know how y’all get settled and how things go.”

“We will.” Even Thomas seemed to have difficulty retaining eye contact. “And you let us know how yer doin’ too.”

Hudson nodded with his thin lips squished together, and he held out his hand toward his friend.

Thomas took it, only to turn the handshake into a brief hug and pat on the back. Once they stepped apart, Carla squeezed in between the two men, taking Hudson by the arm.

“I know you’ve made up your mind, an’ all, but... are you sure you wanna stay here?” The woman’s long, brown braids hung over her drooping shoulders.

Hudson put on a brave smile. “Yes, ma’am. I’ve got so much opportunity here; so much I can do for the folks who’ve rescued us. It’s my honor to put my skills to work for ‘em.” He paused, his eyes slipping to Gemini. “And, well, other reasons also contributed to my decision.”

Carla gave him a toothy grin and returned to Thomas’ side. “I understand. But we’ll sure miss you.”

The mayor then turned to Gemini. “Ms. Gemini, on behalf of all of us, I thank yeh for yer kindness and support durin’ our stay. Thanks to you, and your crew, we’ve been given another chance.”

The lieutenant was also offered his hand before stepping forward to embrace him in return. “I’m very glad we could be of assistance,” she said with a smile. “We will definitely be in touch.”

“And yeh must be pretty special to catch this fella’s eye.” He tilted his head to Hudson with a smirk.

Gemini blushed along with Hudson as she leaned into his arm. “I think he’s the special one,” she admitted coyly.

“Plenty of us didn’t think he’d ever settle down,” Carla added, playfully shielding her lips from them.

“I think you’ll hear something similar from my friends, too,” Gemini glanced up at Hudson as he tucked her against his side.

“Just had to meet the right person, even if they had to show up on a space ship.” Thomas’ thick moustache could not hide his grin. “Y’all take care.”

“Same to you, sir.” Gemini smiled.

“See ya, Hudson.”

“Bye, everybody.”

Gemini tapped the badge on her yellow and black uniform shirt. “Enterprise, two to beam up.”

Hudson gave one last wave as he and the Aravasti lieutenant faded from view.

<< Scene 15 - Scene 17 >>

Scene Notes

  • I hate that the Westfall folks weren't in this too much, but other plot stuff took precedence.
  • One more scene to go!