Star Trek: Constellations

Westfall/Star Trek TNG Crossover Fanfiction #1

Scene 14

Gemini almost couldn’t contain her excitement as she briskly walked through the hallways of the Enterprise. She was beaming from head to toe, and her arms were tucked at her sides as she approached Hudson’s room. She was moments away from pressing the doorbell when the man rounded the corner down the hall.

“Gemini!” He seemed to dart forward when he noticed her, brimming with almost as much elation as she had been.

Her grin widened. “Hudson—I have great news!” She pushed away from the door and fell into his open arms.

“Great—you can tell me on the way!”

Gemini offered him a look of confusion as he pulled out of her arms and started back the way he had come. “On the way to where?” She lowered her brows, though still kept her smile as she hurried after him. “Hudson!”

“Come on! I have an idea!” The man waved at her.

“But—wait!” She managed to catch his arm and pulled back, slowing his hurried pace. “I just spoke to the captain—you can stay on the Enterprise!” 

“Oh yeah?” His smiling face remained unchanged.

“Yeah! You don’t have to leave anymore!” She tried to slip her fingers around his. “We can stay here together!”

He crouched near her ear. “I have a better idea,” he whispered.

Gemini, again, was left in confusion as the man started away from her. “What?”

“Come on!” He again turned to gesture to her.

“O—kay,” she managed to get out, following almost hesitantly as they slipped into the turbolift together. “I just—I guess I don’t understand; yesterday, we made a promise—”

“Deck thirteen,” he spoke to engage the lift before turning to her. “We’re still keeping it,” his expression finally reflected his more serious tone, “I just found another way of keeping it.”

She tried to smile. “So, can you tell me?”

The door to the turbolift opened, and he took her hand gently. “Almost.”

Gemini held it and followed him out into the hallway. They maneuvered the last two halls in silence before entering the wide door into shuttle bay two. The Aravasti skidded to a halt.

“The shuttlebay,” her eyes darted over his shoulder. “Wait—Hudson—”

He turned around and took her hands. “Yes, Gemini. This is what I want to do—how we can keep our promise to be together.”

“By leaving—” Gemini was again cut off as she was pulled into the room.

“By leaving together!” He spread open one hand toward the shuttlepod in the center of the room while the other gripped her hand tightly. “We’ll explore the universe together! We’ll go anywhere we want to go,” he turned back to her, “together!”

Her brows furrowed as he pulled her up to Shuttlepod 09.

“Do you know how to open these up?” He asked, seemingly oblivious to her befuddled state behind him.

“Hudson... I...”

The door hissed and began to open toward the ceiling. 

“Whoa!” He exclaimed, jumping backward.

She stiffened and grabbed his arm. “Hudson, something isn’t right.”

“Huh?” He turned to her. “What do you mean? Everything’s fine.”

She shook her head slowly, the smile far removed from her face.

He put his arm around her back and coaxed her toward the open shuttle. “Go on—start it up for us! Is it okay if I watch from out here? I just wanna see what it looks like.” When she remained unmoved, he again crouched to her level with a playful grin. “Come on, Gemmie!” He nudged her arm to coax her.

Gemini froze, her expression falling flat. Her eyes grew cold, watching Hudson grin as he turned to gaze into the shuttle.

She tapped her badge. “Security to shuttle bay two.”

Upon her somewhat shaky words, his dark eyes turned to her in worry. “Security—what?” He whispered in shock.

“You are not Hudson.” She uttered.

He shook his head incredulously. “Gemini—what are you talking about? Of course I’m—”

“No, you’re not!” She backed away as he tried to reach for her.

The man appeared pained. “Gemini...” he opened his hands at his sides and glanced down at them before again looking up into her eyes.

The door into shuttle bay two slid open as Worf and another security officer rushed in—along with Hudson Rowlett.

The man at the shuttlepod was now staring back at himself.

Worf’s eyes darted from Gemini and pierced into the second Hudson.

Gemini held her breath, mouth agape.

“Gemini!!” Hudson rushed past Worf and darted for her.

“Wait!” Worf barked.

The man behind Gemini grit his teeth, and in one swift movement, he shoved Gemini to the ground and pulled the phaser from her belt.



Despite the calls of Gemini and Worf, the second Hudson intercepted the first and gripped his arms behind his back. He thrust Gemini’s phaser under his chin, seething through his teeth.

“If anyone moves, he dies!!”

Commercial Break


<< Scene 13 - Scene 15 >>

Scene Notes

  • Gotta love a well-placed commercial break!!