Star Trek: Metamorphosis

Westfall/Star Trek TNG Crossover Fanfiction #2

Scene 6

Worf appeared outraged. “No, we must not. We would be putting her at a significant risk!”

“Are we even sure it’s safe?” Geordi winced beneath his visor. “What if it doesn’t work–or it fades or wears off while they’re down there?”

“That is precisely why we must not!” Worf again stressed.

Jean-Luc raised his hands. “I will speak with Doctor Hayward myself to fully understand the process. But if it’s truly tried and tested–and witnessed–I see no reason to doubt it. I also see no other alternative.”

“Then I will go alone.” Worf’s hands were on the table.

“They won’t listen to you without her,” Will replied sternly.

“But if they find out she is only Klingon on the outside,” the Klingon’s words hissed through his teeth before his sentence trailed off. “It would be no better than a disguise!”

Deanna’s black eyes scanned the room while her mind scanned their heightened feelings. “Why don’t we simply ask her?” She suggested. “She will need to fully understand what is expected of her either way.”

“She’ll also say ’yes’ either way.” Geordi glanced at her.

“Gemini is not one to back down from a challenge.” Data added matter-of-factly.

“Which is exactly why I have chosen her. Ms. Gemini has the strength, fortitude, and cunning to take on this mission. And,” he added with his eyes on Worf, “while she has been under Worf’s command, she and Worf have proven to be an excellent team. I have no shortage of trust that you both can complete this mission.”

The Klingon’s lips were mashed as he looked to his captain. At last, he gave the smallest of nods.

The captain rubbed his chin as the conversation fell silent. He tapped his badge. “Lieutenant Inova to the bridge conference room.”

“On my way,” the woman replied.

Jean-Luc’s eyes fell upon Deanna across the table. “Counselor, keep an eye on her emotions. If she is too anxious, even if she agrees, I need to know.”

“Yes, sir.”

Soon, Gemini entered the room, eyes wide when she found everyone looking back at her. She nervously glanced at the gray shirt, khaki pants, and cowboy boots she was wearing from her shore leave. “Forgive my dress; I haven’t returned to duty yet.”

“That is quite all right,” Captain Picard gestured to the open seat beside Worf. “Lieutenant Inova, we have an important upcoming mission I would like for you to be a part of.”

“Of course,” her face held some reservation as she carefully sat down. She looked to Worf, as if to better read the mood of the table through his stoic expression, before she turned to her captain instead. 

Jean-Luc pointed to the viewscreen behind him, still marked with Data’s flight plan. “Starfleet Command has given us a mission to visit the planet Najhom and retrieve a Klingon sect before the planet is razed. However, a bonded pair of Klingon is needed to make contact with this particular sect.”

She nodded as she absorbed the information.

“Mister Worf is the only Klingon within our immediate area, and we’re on an ever-approaching deadline to rescue the sect,” his words came to a pause, and his eyes glanced up to find her expression shifting in realization.

“Captain, I think I know something we can do,” she leaned closer to the table.

All eyes were upon Gemini; curious, yet cautious.

Jean-Luc, in particular, looked pleased at her response. “Go ahead,” he played along.

She nodded. “Doctor Crusher and I were just talking with Doctor Hayward–our visitor–about his studies of the Roshak–the shape-shifter we had on board a few months ago–and he has discovered a way to shape-shift others,” she glanced around the table at her fellow officers. “With his device, anyone can become anyone else.”

“So I’ve heard,” he looked to Beverly before turning back to her. “And that brings me to my request: Ms. Inova, we need you to become a Klingon.”

Deanna Troi watched Gemini carefully, looking for outward and inward emotion from the young woman.

After a moment to release a breath, Gemini nodded in determination. “Yes, sir.”

Worf gripped the table. “Gemini–Lieutenant, it is not as simple as changing your appearance!”

“I understand that; I have to play the part as much as look it. I’m willing to do anything I need to;to train, to learn–”

“But–if you are not convincing enough–and if you are found out–it will be dangerous!”

A smile tugged on her lips as she recognized Worf’s protectiveness kicking in. “When is it not dangerous?”

Will pretended to stroke his beard as he hid an ever-increasing grin.

“Besides, pretending to be someone else temporarily... that sounds... kind of fun?” Gemini trailed off with a hesitant smile.

Geordi threw up his hands. “If she thinks that sounds fun, she’s got my vote.”

Worf, again, accepted the decision in silence, though he did not seem as amused as the others.

Jean-Luc looked to Deanna, who gave a gentle nod. “Doctor Crusher and I will further discuss this with Doctor Hayward, but this appears to be the only way we can bring two Klingon to the planet in time.” 

“Gemini,” Beverly reached an arm across the table to regain the Aravasti’s attention. “We do understand that this is a lot to ask of you. If you have any hesitation or worry, we can ask someone else.”

“I can do it,” Gemini nodded succinctly. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“And thank you for accepting. In the meantime,” Jean-Luc turned in his chair to see the Android at his back, ”Mister Data: get us on that course as soon as Counselor Troi confirms all of our personnel have returned from shore leave. Mister LaForge, prepare the engine for maximum warp. Number One, I’d like you on standby for whatever Engineering may need.”

“Aye, sir,” Will nodded.

“And Mister Worf.”

The Klingon turned to his captain.

“In the time until we reach Najhom, I need you to teach Ms. Inova all she will need to know to truly become a Klingon.”

Despite his reservations, the lieutenant straightened in his chair beside Gemini. “Aye, sir.”

With that, the Captain of the Enterprise stood, and the others followed suit. Everyone dispersed to their corners of the ship to prepare for the mission, leaving Gemini and Worf the last to file out.

“Lieutenant,” Worf urged her to slow her pace.


His lips curled. “I do not have doubts about your performance on this mission; that is not why I stressed my concern during the briefing.”

Gemini half-smiled. “I know, Worf. You would know the risks better than me. But I’m trusting in our team–and you–and I know we can accomplish this.”

His head bobbed somewhat. “We... do work well together. I can offer you training and knowledge in Klingon culture, but in these few days, I will not be able to prepare you for every situation.”

“That’s when I’ll look to you for guidance–like I always have.” Her smile grew. “And at the very least, we’ve both been trained to fight. If that’s what it comes to, that’s what it comes to.”

In the way a proud master would look to his apprentice, Worf almost appeared to smile. “I will have your back, Gemini.”

“And I will have yours.”

As the two turned to leave, Worf’s eyes drifted to Gemini’s boots. “Your footwear appears... comfortable.”

Gemini laughed as she kicked up one of her feet behind her. “First things first: I need to go get in my uniform!”

<< Scene 5 - Scene 7 >>